Linux Wireless Access
Connecting to a WEP encrypted access point (DHCP)
- ifconfig [Interface] up
- iwconfig [Interface] mode managed key [WEP key]
- iwconfig essid "[ESSID]"
- dhcpcd [Interface]
- ping
Connecting to a WEP encrypted access point (Manual IP)
- ifconfig [Interface] up
- iwconfig [interface] mode managed key [WEP key]
- iwconfig essid "[ESSID]"
- ifconfig [interface] [IP address] netmask [subnetmask]
- route add default gw [Gateway IP]
- echo nameserver [DNS Server IP] >> /etc/resolve.conf
- ping
Connecting to a WPA/WPA2 encrypted access point
- ifconfig [Interface] up
- iwconfig [Interface] mode managed
- wpa_supplicant -i[Interface] -c/etc/wpa_suplicant.conf -B
- dhcpcd [Interface]
- ping
/etc/wpa_suplicant.conf example
- network={ ssid="[ESSID]" psk="[PSK KEY]" }